TYTLER, 2009: School Innovation in Science - Improving science teaching and learning in Australian schools".
"- Effective science teaching and learning must be framed more widely than simply conceptual aspects, including for instance attention to student engagement, students' lives and perspectives and interests, and the nature of schooling more generally including its relation to community (e.g. Tytler et al., 2004).
- The culture of science teaching and learning in primary compared with secondary schools is very different, and teacher needs and patterns of change differ accordingly. A change model like SIS, based on a common pedagogical framework but allowing flexibility in school change processes, was able to accommodate this diveristy.
- Teacher learning proceeds most effectively when situated within school-based professional learning teams, and can be effectively supported through a variety of experiences including reflection on practice, workshops, sahred discussions and action research, and mentor support.
- A model for school and teacher change that is based on professional learning teams in schools, and focuses on a clear framework for describing effective pedagogy, provides powerful support for change that is both substantial and embedded (Tytler, 2007).
- A major issue for secondary school science teachers, at least in Victoria, is their isolation from pedagogical discussions and a shared understanding of purpose within the science team. The science team and its leadership is a critical factor in achieving fundamental change in teaching and learning (Tytler & Conley, 2003)."