jueves, 3 de abril de 2008

"More Internet users getting a virtual life"

Estoy citando a Ellen Lee en su artículo "Más usuarios de Internet obtienen una vida virtual", en el que se afirma el creciente aumento de población usuaria de Mundos Virtuales, y también de Empresas que los desarrollan. Un dato interesante... en la Conferencia mundial que se celebró en San José, California en 2007, fueron 35 las compañías que presentaron Virtual Worlds. Ha pasado un año, y justamente, ayer y hoy se está desarrollando la Virtual World Conference de este año en New York. Habrá que esperar la información de la nueva curva de crecimiento. Aquí incluyo una parte del texto de Lee:

"Estimates vary on how popular the virtual worlds will become. Technology research firm Gartner forecast this year that by 2011, 80 percent of active Internet users will have a "second life" in some sort of virtual world. Another research company, eMarketer, predicted last month that more than half of U.S. children and teens who use the Internet - about 20 million people - will visit virtual worlds by 2011.
About 8.2 million young Internet users, or 24 percent, already are checking out a virtual world once a month, eMarketer estimated.
In the past year, investors have put $1 billion in 35 virtual-world companies, according to a report advancing the Virtual Worlds Conference, being held Wednesday and Thursday in San Jose.Some companies included in the report are more game-oriented than virtual world-oriented, and therein lies one of the debates for the nascent industry. Some draw the line between virtual worlds and games such as World of Warcraft, in which millions of players pillage and battle each other to advance. "
El link consultado y desde donde se accede al artículo completo es: http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/c/a/2007/10/08/BUM4SKMEK.DTL
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